Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Student Reflections

This post goes out to those students who have developed their individual online communities using blogs, wikis, skype, and vyew. As we, both teacher and student, begin our long journey into Web 2.0 technologies, there will often be times when we should reflect upon this journey. In particular, we should look at the value added and the distractions occurring to our educational experience. One of the most powerful tools of learning, and unfortunately one of the most under utilized tools is individual and group reflection. With the future still a large unknown, we must continuously work on the quality control aspect of these technologies. We must ask ourselves, "is there value in what we are doing?"


mdvoss said...

I definately find using blogs, wikis, vyew, ect. very rewarding. It allows us not to struggle with studying or understanding a chapter we read, but to share our ideas and knowledge gained both inside and outside A.P Euro. I definately think these tools have taught us to work together and I feel that there is a bond between those of us in this class that is nonexistant in most of our other classes. Vyew is a great opportunity to straighten up assignments and prepare for tests, and the blogs and wikis give us a chance to share our work and opinions in a formal and concise manner. I enjoy learning about all of the new learning oppurtunities sprouting up every day, and I plan on applying much of the things I learn in A.P. Euro to my other studies.

Anonymous said...

Many students I'm sure have thought there is no value in what we do in class and I admit even I think that sometimes. However, there is value from what we do and thoguh we may not realize it, it's there. Group reflections are underutilized. But...the easiest way to learn can be from each other or it can be the hardest. Not everyone thinks the same or in the same method. Likewise, we all learn differently. At the same time, these technologies that have been developed over the past 10 years have become part of everday life for many people and they are definitely helpful when you know how to effectively use them.

rzaporowski said...

The new Internet technology has brought a new life to my motivation in academics. Before my knowledge of Skype, the wikis, blogs, and vyew, I had found that I was having trouble finding a useful way to study. This frustrated me and prevented me from wanting to spend extra time on the material.

Now with the new technology, I’m not struggling as much anymore. Vyew especially has made studying for a test much easier and less intimidating. If there is something I’m not sure of, I can be sure that one of my classmates will be there to help me. Also, we can discuss a certain broad topic while organizing a page of notes simultaneously. The demanding task of preparing for a test is no longer intolerable.

Anonymous said...

Of course there is value in what we are doing. The truth is that we are exploring an entirely new frontier that has never been breached before in this academic environment. Sometimes I am afraid that we, as students and educators, view things too short-sightedly. We may set a goal to make some sort of project succeed in these new technologies, and when we fail to accomplish that goal, we say, "All is lost."

But I beg to differ. Yes, in the short-lived scheme of things, we may not have accomplished what we hoped to do. However, in the more broad, long-term spectrum, we are learning so many new things that are expanding our minds, familiarizing ourselves with change. Through any experience, may it be success or failure, one can always come out on top with something learned.

What can we learn from each experience that we undergo? That is simply for us to decide. The value that this technology has is wholly dependent on each individual. One must decide for himself if he is going to learn something from it. If he doesn't want to, then that is his prerogative.

Lynn! said...

I can confindently say that the AP european course is by far the most benifical class I feel I'll ever take in highschool. Not because of the content but by the way we learn the content. This class helps us get envolved with our peers in a positive way. By commenting our assignments on Mr.Arounes blog when i'm done I have the oppertunity to go back and read what my peers were thinking and how they answered the question, this forces me to figure out how they came to that conclusion and how it differs from mine. Not only do these methods help in the European course but other subjects as well as i plan to apply the skills i've learned to many other courses as well.

Moranmc said...

I have learned a lot from this class about technology, and it has opened me up to all these different ways to learn that i never knew about like blogs, wikis, vyew etc. Now when i want to find something out i try looking for blogs and wikis on the subject, instead of just typing it in a search engine and seeing what i get. This has opened me to a whole other world of learning, and i know when i go to college next year i will take what i learned along with my and use it to help me succeed.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your thoughts and for us to use the web 2.0 technologies. I feel that I enjoy the tools and search engines that you have told us about. However, I feel that delicious is not very useful because I don't know how to use it. I feel that your could have showed us how to set up our accounts and explained what else it was good for. I feel that delicious is one of those bookmarking and tool websites that I'll never use. Although I dislike delicious, I love the other tools that you have thoroughly and carefully explained to us. Scype, vyew, and the other sites have been extremely useful and have helped me in learning more about what web 2.0 technologies have to offer. I feel that eventually, we will all be able to understand almost everything about the web. Who knows, maybe we will be able to find a way to tap into something more powerful and be able to find something that no one else has had the pleasure to find before on the web.

You are doing a good job.

Anonymous said...

As an educator and parent of two students in high school, I was thrilled to read all the student comments reflecting on the use of Web 2.0 tools. What is especially exciting is the opportunity that they have to comment on instructional tools! When have students ever before had that opportunity?
And to hear the enthusiasm that was generated and how engaged they are by the process.... Awesome!

Now, how can we get the teachers at my kids' high school to understand the potential and use these same tools? Any ideas students?

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Anonymous said...

T2OWAl Very good blog! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate educators who are open to doing new things, introducing and at the same time learning the technology that this modern world offers. I, myself, is doing it for years now. I am trying to have a degree in College at the comfort of my own home. I am studying online and blogs, wikis and all that stuff really are a great aid for me.

S.A. Garcia said...

I've found this link really useful to share ideas about weblogs. I think too online education is on of the most powerful tools now. Managing tim is a hard part, though, but I'm sure benefits overcome any needed sacrifice.


S.A. Garcia said...

Mr mdvoss:
I agree with you. I think using of blogs is changing the way we study.
They give learning opportunities just in time, as we can do them whenever we get time to.
I've been reading different comments and I've found that many of you guys have faced the very same situations I am. I'm happy to be part of the online student community.
