Monday, November 27, 2006

A Tasty Platter for
Technology and Literacy

Being that I enjoyed my mother's famous Thanksgiving smorgasbord, I felt it apropos to speak of a newly discovered technology with a little holiday slant. I have been thinking a lot lately (I know, don't be too afraid) about the potential obstacles that web 2.0 technologies present. In particular, how an individual being exposed to these potential tools of literacy for the first time, can easily design a system that allows them to effectively utilize the power of these tools. How can search engines, blogs, social bookmarking, pod casting, dark internet searches, all be utilized in a manner that allows the user a seamless application of one to another. It presents a problem similar to that of the average person sitting down to a Thanksgiving feast. How can one individual, sitting down for one meal, be expected to adequately digest all of the scrumptious dishes? Where does one begin? I don't really know what to say about Thanksgiving, I simply become the poster boy for glutony. However, I think I may have a website that will help the user of today's technology create the ultimate hub for information gathering. Imagine, starting your day on the net by simply going to one site. The site is

Pageflakes is a personalized startpage that lets you read news and blogs, start Web searches, maintain an address book, manage To-Do-Lists and much more, all from one page.
Having all of this information on a single site, allows the user to move from one application to another, with almost no effort, creating a seamless technological platform. If you want to google something, it is right there. If you want to bookmark a site, or blog, it is right there. If you want to subscribe to a blog, view a pod cast, or Digg the latest news, it is all there.

The site is extremely user friendly, and can be constructed in minutes. Modifications to the page will take some user thought, due in part to the many flakes (tools) the user may choose. Utilizing a start page such as Pageflake will help to promote the tools of literacy available on the net.


Anna said...

I recently set up a pageflakes account, and while I am still trying to figure some things out, this seems like a really useful resource. The concept is really great! There are so many "flakes" you can add it is amazing. I am still exploring, but it seems that there are so many different kind of flakes, you could set up a page to serve as an educational database, an all-in-one tools guide, or simply a page customized to your interests. Pageflakes allows you to customize so many aspects it is truly amazing. I can not wait to witness the full ability of page flakes!

cekstrum said...

Mr. Aroune,
I think your ideas are superb. I am beginning to like the sound of page flakes. It sounds like a useful tool in utilizing our ideas and seems like a great place to start off with the project you assigned to us. I appreciate all of the help you have given us and the tools and websites that we can use to advance our knowledge about technology. By the way I like the Thankgiving element you used in creating in your blog. Keep up the great work.

KFolaron said...

Mr. Aroune,
You are presenting useful and "life-altering" tools to the class. You are providing a different aspect to view society and knowledge and are expecting the children to go out of their "comfort zone" and for that I thank you. I do not believe that a text book can contain equivalent information that is connected throughout the numerous computers in the world. I do believe that you are in for some disappointments, being that some children will not be "willing" to adjust to what is being demanded of them, but please do not let this discourage you because you have great ideas and this "" website is one of them.
~Kelly's Father~

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aroune,
All of this new technology is some what cofusing to myself at least. It seems that everything is now on computers using complicated tactics to teach our kids how to get out there and learn. I understand the need for making things more advanced and to bring the future to our children but it seems that i can no longer help my children if they are stuck. I'm not against new technology, quite the contrary, I am just apart of the world who is left behind. i feel like i'm a first grader again and my children are the teachers. It makes me feel helpless and yet i know this is for the benefit of Ali and all her fellow students.

Anonymous said...

I set up a pageflakes account two weeks ago and couldn't be happier with this tool. It is really one-stop shopping. Initially I was thrilled to see Mozilla's web browser and have all my sites easily accessible. Pageflakes takes it to the next level.

There is enormous potential with pageflakes. I could see it being used as a web page dedicated to a particular topic with a variety of media links on that topic. In fact, I set up a pageflakes page for my 4 year old daughter. I have links to Barbie, Noggin, Mickey Mouse, the Nutcracker and an e-mail account. She loves it.

Keep up the good work. I'm thrilled our students are learning the unlimited possibilities available to them.

Anonymous said...

sRaIau The best blog you have!

Anonymous said...

i9u46U write more, thanks.