Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What will 2007 Have in Store?

I have taken a break from my blog these past several weeks to spend time with the family, enjoy the holidays, and contemplate what I have experienced as a classroom teacher over the past six months. I can state without a doubt, these past several months have been the most energizing period of time in my fifteen year career as a public school educator. I have become a disciple of the new technologies and the ways in which they can transform the students. I have embraced these ideas, and have done my best to apply these technologies to engage my students in some very creative and innovative ways. I have developed a greater understanding of student needs, and realize that adopting these strategies is truly the way to become a meaningful part of a young person's intellectual development.

That being said, and forgive me for the cliche, I have decided share with you several of my New Year's Resolutions. Forget weight lose and getting back into shape, there is too much pressure associated with them, plus, I am only 39, I figure I can focus on those hurdles when I reach that great milestone of 40. I have decided that my professional goals will take center stage.

1. I will look to forge ahead with adopting these technologies in my classroom. However, I will move beyond the initial phase of adoption, and strive to create some good examples of student-directed learning.
2. I will look to develop an online blogging community with my students that truly taps into their individual interests, and allows them to take full advantage of the read/write platform that these tools afford everyone.
3. I will look to take this message to the local media in the Buffalo, metropolitan area.
4. I will look to construct an educational opportunity that will educate the parents within our district, and allow parents to become a greater part of their child's educational experience.
5. I will look to construct an international network that reaches across the world, and allows the students within our district, to develop an opportunity for international collaboration.
6. I will look to expand the technological opportunities within our district.
7. I will look to become a truly self-directed technological Uber learner of the 21st century.

Only time will tell whether I am able to achieve these resolutions. However, knowing my track record with weight loss, and attempting to recover past physical glories, I am confident that I have a better chance of achieving these goals more than the traditional resolutions of years past.


Anonymous said...

....and know that I will support you in achieving your resolutions in any way I can. Knowing how determined you are, I am sure you will be successful. It's an exciting challenge for yourself, and our district!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aroune,
I appreciate all of the help you have given to us students, and have provided a better understanding in the world we live in today. I like your New Years Resolutions but feel that since we only have a half of a semester to achieve these goals, we need more time to complete them. I feel that it could take about a year to completely achieve these objectives. One of my New Years Resolutions is to become a better student for you and in college this coming fall, and to make the strongest attempt to appreciate all of what you as an educator can teach us and hopefully will follow in your shoes one day, teaching others about thes forms of technology.